Contact users from other organizations
To be able to contact users from other organizations, you will either both need to register your eHBA or you will need to add each other to approval list.
You can now start a chat. If you need further help with this, you can follow the instructions to start a direct chat.
Send requests to contact points of other organizations
Contact points are comparable to functional mailboxes that are publicly accessible to other organizations within the Telematikinfrastruktur (TI). A request to a contact point can be received by one or more persons and is therefore distinct from direct chats. Under Kontaktpunkte verwalten, you can read about how recipients of contact points are assigned.
- Click the + Button next to the filter in the top left area of your screen.
- Click Organizations in the top right corner of the dialog.
- Select or search the organization you want to contact.
- Click the contact point that you want to contact.
- Enter the subject of your request into the input field.
- Click Create request.
- Tap + Button in the top right area of the screen.
- Tap Organizations in the top right corner of the dialog.
- Select or search the organization you want to contact.
- Tap the contact point that you want to contact.
- Enter the subject of your request into the input field.
- Tap Create request.
The subject you enter will be shown as the title of the chat. If you did not enter a subject, the title will only show the name of the contact point, the organization you contacted and the web address of your organization.